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Jakie niepełnosprawności umożliwiają podejmowanie zatrudnienia? Analiza przypadków w ujęciu branżowym

Monika Mazur-Mitrowska

What disabilities make it possible to take up employment? Case studies by industry

Słowa kluczowe: osoba niepełnosprawna, kody niepełnosprawności, opis informacji o zawodzie, rynek pracy, Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności (PKD), zatrudnienie.

Key words: disabled person, disability codes, description of occupation, labour market, Polish Classification of Activities (PKD), employment.

Abstract: The issues of employment opportunities for people with disabilities are included in all descriptions including the information about occupations developed in the PO WER project „Developing, supplementing and updating information about occupations and its dissemination using modern communication tools – INFODORADCA +”. The article focuses on the analysis of different types of disabilities (represented by codes) with regard to the possibility of the disabled being employed in professions from selected sectors of the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD). The data presented in the article proves the unexploited high employment potential of people with disabilities that could be beneficial for both parties – the disabled and the employers.