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Algorytmy vs prawo – uważaj, jak się uczysz!


Algorithms vs law – watch out how you learn!

Słowa kluczowe: ICT, edukacja, manipulowanie informacją, profilowanie osobowości, źródła wiedzy.

Key words: ICT, education, manipulation of information, profiling personality, sources of knowledge.

Abstract: The article presents an overview of the latest foreign and national media reports on research of the Internet, and especially social media. It addresses the problems of manipulation of information, user profiling and the propagation of untruthful and socially harmful content. In the face of the threats described, it indicates the necessity for the owners of portals to accept responsibility for the presented content and not only for the technical and functional aspects of the operation of these portals. Imposing appropriate legal regulations may enforce this process, but at the same time limit the freedom of the Internet. The text emphasizes the importance of shaping conscious and responsible attitudes of all participants in the education process towards new technologies. Well-established axiological competencies are a necessary complement to instrumental competences, and their combination is a guarantee of valuable use of ICT in lifelong learning.