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Koncepcja uczenia się przez całe życie – jak informacje o zawodach mogą wspierać instytucje szkoleniowe w propagowaniu tej idei

Małgorzata Zaremba

The lifelong learning concept – how information about occupations can support training institutions in promoting this idea

Słowa kluczowe: uczenie się przez całe życie, instytucje szkoleniowe, informacja o zawodach, rynek pracy, doradztwo zawodowe.

Key words: lifelong learning, training institutions, information about occupations, labour market, career counselling.

Abstract: The article discusses some possibilities of using descriptions of occupations developed in the INFODORADCA+ project. Competences, which at a given moment are desirable on the labour market, change dynamically and employers have problems with finding employees with the required and suitable skills. People who have the ability to learn and the willingness and opportunity to improve their skills are currently the most sought-after. Comprehensiveness, transparency and, above all, accessibility of the database of information about professions makes this tool a friend of the boss, employee, advisor or trainer. However, it fulfils also one more important role - it indirectly promotes the concept of lifelong learning, considered by many to be the most important competence of the future.