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Możliwości wdrożenia informacji o zawodach przez pracodawców

Iwona Barszcz, Wojciech Jabłoński

Opportunities for the implementation of information about occupations by employers

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja, rynek pracy, społeczeństwo oparte na wiedzy, informacja zawodowa, opisy zawodów, kompetencje, kwalifikacje.

Key words: education, labour market, knowledge-based society, occupational information, descriptions about occupations, competences, qualifications.

Abstract: In the era of globalization there has been a significant transformation in all the spheres of human life and activity. A new type of society has been formed – information society, based on knowledge, and the need for information has become a major factor in economic growth. The basis for the existence and development of a knowledge-based society is a highly qualified, educated society able to use knowledge in professional work. One of the important types of information is career information, which is the source of knowledge about the work environment. One of its elements is the occupational information – materials containing in particular: descriptions of occupations, description of professional competences, a reference to the situation of the occupation in the labour market and professional development opportunities, as well as the employment opportunities of people with disabilities in the profession. Vocational information includes information about education, occupations, and the labour market. This article is an attempt to indicate specific examples of how to use the results of the project INFODORADCA+ in the current companies’ activities and some benefits from them, in the area of human resources management.