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Rola ekspertów metodologicznych w projektowaniu informacji o zawodach

Ireneusz Woźniak

The role of methodological experts in designing information about occupations

Słowa kluczowe: zawodoznawstwo, informacja o zawodzie, profil kompetencji, kompetencje merytoryczne, kompetencje metodologiczne, kompetencje kierownicze, kompetencje społeczne, rekrutacja i selekcja.

Key words: professionalization, information about occupations, competence profile, substantive competences, methodological competences, managerial competences, social competences, recruitment and selection.

Abstract: The methodological expert is the leader of the expert team in the process of developing information about occupations. This person has an important function as a link between the expert team and the evaluation experts (reviewers and evaluators) as well as validators (members of the validation and quality team) who verify the descriptions of occupations. In addition to the managerial and methodological function, the methodological expert takes an active part in the development and making modifications in the content of the descriptions according to his or her best knowledge about occupations and available sources of information.