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Transformacja edukacji zawodowej – Krzysztofa F. Symeli


In the transformation of vocational education – Krzysztof F. Symela

Słowa kluczowe: praca, kwalifikacje, standardy, kształcenie modułowe, edukacja zawodowa, sieci współpracy.

Key words: work, qualifications, standards, modular education, vocational education, cooperation networks.

Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of scientific research and educational innovations that support the transformation of vocational education of doctor Krzysztof Symela carried out mainly in the Centre for the Research and Development of Vocational Education at the Insti-tute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom. Using the method of biographical research, analysis of documentation (projects), participant observation, we present his professional and scientific development, research results on: work, competences, qualifica-tions and job descriptions, development and implementation of innovative programmes, tech-nologies of education in national and international cooperation networks.