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Edukacyjne aspekty zatrudnienia osób z niepełnosprawnościami

Jolanta BOREK, Mikołaj OLSZEWSKI

Educational aspects of employing people with disabilities

Słowa kluczowe: możliwości edukacyjne osób z niepełnosprawnościami, polski system kształcenia osób z niepełnosprawnościami, edukacja a możliwości zawodowe osób z niepełno-sprawnościami.

Key words: educational opportunities for people with disabilities, the Polish system of educa-tion for people with disabilities, education and vocational opportunities of people with disabili-ties.

Abstract: Labor is a normalizing factor for the lives of people with disabilities. Unfortunately, a small percentage of the members of this community advantages from its benefits. Limited access to work is, among others, the result of low level of their education and mismatch of professional competences to the needs of the labor market, in particular local markets (Borek 2005, pp. 50–58). This justifies the need to equalize educational opportunities for people with disabilities. The aim of the study is to discuss the educational aspects of employment of people with disabilities: the Polish system of education of disabled people and challenges, functional problems and environmental conditions of people with various disabilities.