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Model ścieżkowy wpływu jakości usług nauczania języków obcych na lojalność konsumentów

Małgorzata Lotko, Aleksander Lotko

Path Model of Impact of the Quality of Teaching Foreign Languages Service on Consumer Loyalty

Słowa kluczowe: nauczanie języków obcych, jakość, lojalność.

Key words: teaching foreign languages, quality, loyalty.

Abstract: The aim of the paper was to identify impact of foreign languages teaching service quality on consumer loyalty. A questionnaire-based research was carried out. As a method of elaborating the results structural equations modeling was chosen. Service quality turned out to be a two-dimensional construct. Then a path model was built, according to which customer-oriented approach influences customer loyalty in a meaningful way. A practical implication of the study is claiming a key role of customer-oriented approach and staff attitudes in shaping service quality and consequently consumer behaviors.