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Wybrane aspekty wkraczania w dorosłość młodych osób z niepełnosprawnościami

Joanna Jarmużek

Selected aspects of entering adulthood by adolescents with disabilities

Słowa kluczowe: niepełnosprawność, dorosłość, edukacja, wsparcie, aktywność zawodowa.

Key words: disability, adulthood, education, support, professional activity.

Abstract: The purpose of the publication is to present selected aspects of adult life in people with disabilities. Young adults, verifies their plans and goals and tries to fulfill the life tasks typical of this stage in a satisfactory manner. In specific situations (such as disability), meeting these challenges can be difficult: the process of becoming independent and taking up work may face a number of internal and external difficulties. The article refers to the four models of Marin Sińczuch's gaining independence.