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Późna dorosłość w dyskursie teraźniejszym

Agnieszka Roguska

Słowa kluczowe: starość, edukacja osób starszych, edukacja ustawiczna, unijne standardy opieki.

Key words: senior age, elderly education, lifelong education, EU standards of care.

Abstract: Article presents the issue of late adulthood, old age differently in the context of demographic and socio-economic change, as a complex and multi-faceted. Introduces the current condition of the elderly and the social debate on this issue in Poland and other countries, indicating the need to introduce new solutions in the care of this social group. Is observed and felt a progressive process of social exclusion of older people from different spheres of social life. Documents indicate that the European Union, reports, led social policy, pensions and disability pensions, social perception of the elderly by the younger generation and self-perception by older people themselves.