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Rola uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku w stymulowaniu aktywności społecznej i edukacyjnej osób starszych

Danuta Książek

Słowa kluczowe: osoba starsza, aktywne starzenie się, uniwersytet trzeciego wieku, czas wolny, edukacja permanentna, profilaktyka starzenia się, aktywność społeczna.

Key words: elderly man, active ageing, University of the Third Age, free time, continuing education, ageing prevention, social activity.

Summary: Demographical changes in Poland demand totally different attitude towards the issue of education and activity of elderly people in the society. As far as now, the areas such as for example senior education, so crucial for maintaing elderly people's professional and social activity and independence, haven't belonged to issues forming priorities in the social and educational policy of the country. The crucial role in the continuous education of elderly people starting from the age of 40, have the Third Age Universities. Their main objective is to provide elderly people with the idea of continuous education and prevent social marginalization.