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Edukacja dorosłych w szkołach dla dorosłych


Adult education in schools for adults

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja zawodowa, pozaszkolna edukacja zawodowa, edukacja, zadania, funkcje, oczekiwania, aspiracje, rozwój zawodowy.

Key words: vocational education, additional vocational education, education, tasks, functions, expectations, aspirations, professional development.

Abstract: The scope of the work includes issues referring to the meaning of continuing vocational education. The article presents main motives and aspirations of adults in the process of lifelong education, with particular reference to significance of after school vocational education to the professional development of adults. In the research the method of a diagnostic survey, based on the questionnaire form was used. Research were conducted in the group of 40 teachers and 120 listeners, participating in the process of lifelong education.