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Edukacja regionalna w aktywizacji organizacji pozarządowych osób niepełnosprawnych


The regional education in local non-governmental organizations as space for social integration and professional activation of people with disabilities

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja regionalna, organizacje pozarządowe, integracja społeczna, aktywizacja zawodowa osób z niepełnosprawnością.

Key words: regional education, non-governmental organizations, social integration, professional activation of people with disabilities.

Abstract: The article shows results of research conducted in three local nongovernmental organizations promoting their region: An ecological and cultural Associations “On the Amber Trail”, “The four Elements” Centre and The Society of Friends of Lanckorona. The qualitative research were focused on studying the process of regional education in local association (lectures, exposition, local fair) and participation of disabled people in education. The feedback enabled to formulate a thesis about significant role of regional education in social integration and professional activation of people with disabilities in local initiatives, employment and selling handicrafts made by artists with disabilities.