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Formy doskonalenia i dokształcania w kontekście realizacji planów zawodowych studentów studiów niestacjonarnych

Izabella KUST

Forms of education and professional development in the context of executing professional plans by students of extension studies

Słowa kluczowe: gospodarka oparta na wiedzy, rynek pracy, formy doskonalenia, student.

Key words: knowledge-based economy, labour market, forms of professional development, student.

Abstract: The message of the European Union regarding building the knowledge-based economy results in a considerable interest of both young people as well as experienced employees in forms of education and development. One of the most important features of that type of forms refers to a short time of duration, which has an impact – beyond the content-related context – on their attractiveness. High pace of life, frequent changes of the labor market expectations cause the increase of the employees’ interest in various courses, trainings and post-diploma studies. The necessity for constant updating and broadening of the possessed knowledge, obtaining new qualifications – are commonly known reasons for the selection of education forms by employees. This article presents survey results within the scope of the analysis of reasons for undertaking forms of education/development by students of extramural studies as well as their effectiveness with regard to obtaining the intended objective.