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Badania aspiracji, rozwoju zawodowego i kształcenia zawodowego


Research on aspirations, professional development and vocational education

Słowa kluczowe: aspiracje, rozwój zawodowy, innowacje, edukacja zawodowa, nauczyciel szkoły zawodowej, nauczanie i uczenie się, organizacja, zarządzanie szkołą.

Key words: aspirations, professional development, innovations, vocational education, teacher of vocational school, teaching and learning, organization, school management.

Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the development of professional and scientific development of Prof. Czesław Plewka. On the basis of a critical analysis of the scientific achievements with the method of bibliography, desk research analysis of documentation, observation and interviews, the contribution of Prof. Czeslaw Plewka to the development of work pedagogy was defined. The experience in the research on aspirations, professional development, innovations in vocational education, education management can provide methodological support in the creation of a scientific career in pedagogy. Special attention was paid to combine research, theory and practice of education. The research have been often inspired by the problems of practice in the school, education office and university.