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Wolę chodzić własną drogą (?) – o potencjale do budowania współpracy studentów na pograniczu polsko-białoruskim


I prefer to walk my own way (?) – about the potential of building cooperation from the perspective of students from Polish-Belarusian borderland

Słowa kluczowe: współpraca w grupie, indywidualizm, kolektywizm, kształcenie uniwersyteckie.

Key words: cooperation in a group, individualism, collectivism, university education.

Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the results of an international research on the problems of cooperation in a group, in students self-assessment. Data analysis shows that many aspects needed for effective cooperation require reinforcement, but there is a potential for taking it in young people's attitudes. Following this path, it is worth focusing on these aspects of building a culture of cooperation that are in the area of influence of educators in the course of university education. Undertaking this problem in the background of the cultural context will allow to consider the dilemmas of social functioning and propose cooperation as a value that protects individuals from the costs of excessive concentration on themselves.