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Kreowanie nowych kwalifikacji rynkowych w powiązaniu z informacjami o zawodach

Edyta MIGAŁKA, Radosław PANAS

Creating new labour market qualifications in connection with information about professions

Słowa kluczowe: kwalifikacja, system kwalifikacji, montowanie stolarki budowlanej.

Key words: qualification, qualifications system, construction joinery assembling.

Abstract: The article presents the key sources of applications developed by VCC Foundation for registering market qualifications in the Polish National System of Qualifications. The author shows how the conceptual framework underlying the VCC System allows for creation of new market qualifications in the sectors vital for Polish economy. Based on the first qualification introduced to the Integrated Qualifications System: Construction Joinery Assembling, she also attempts at observing the connection between the market qualification and the description of professions in the areas of both the content and methodology.