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Innowacyjne metody kształcenia w edukacji ustawicznej na odległość. Platforma Moodle

Marek Walancik, Barbara Dwilewicz

Innovative methods of education in distance learning. Good practices of using the Moodle Platform

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja ustawiczna, kształcenie na odlełosć, dobra praktyka, Platforma Moodle, e-learning.

Key words: continuing education, distance learning, good practice, Moodle platform, e-learning.

Abstract: In the article, we present an application proposal of the Moodle platform in distance learning in adult continuing education. We present a rare solution. The participants of the project themselves, partners from the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Latvia, made modules as parts of the project, learning by themselves, while acquiring competences to teach in the environments of Poles staying abroad.