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Uczenie się i nauczanie innych w miejscu pracy kobiet sukcesu

Ewa Arleta KOS

Learning and teaching at work of successful women

Słowa kluczowe: uczestnictwo w społeczności praktyki, teoria społecznego (sytuacyjnego) uczenia się E. Wengera, badania jakościowe, nieformalne uczenie się.

Key words: participation in the community of practice, Social Theory of Learning by E. Wenger, qualitative research, informal learning.

Abstract: In this text, the Author discusses in detail the concept of social learning by E. Wenger (E. Wenger's theory is inspiring, useful and is a formal framework for the analyzes carried out in the text). Author presents a fragment of research relating to the social participation of women who have achieved professional success. The article presents strategies functioning of women in the community of practice – as an effect of generalization of collected qualitative material based on the assumptions of the narrative interview method. The author took into account formal and informal aspects of learning.