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Egzamin potwierdzający kwalifikacje zawodowe – efektywność

Katarzyna PARDEJ

The effectiveness of the examination confirming professional qualifications

Słowa kluczowe: pedagogika, egzamin potwierdzający kwalifikacje zawodowe, technikum, zasadnicza szkoła zawodowa.

Key words: pedagogy, examination confirming professional qualifications, technical school, vocational school.

Abstract: The article discusses the procedures of professional examination for students of vocational schools. The overall pass rates for the examination confirming professional qualifications for students in Poland were described, as well as, the detailed comparison of the pass rates between a city and town. The most popular fields of study among students of technical and vocational schools in Warsaw and Tomaszów Mazowiecki were presented. In addition, the pass rates for the secondary school – leaving examination among graduates of technical schools were illustrated. The graduates of technical schools consider the Polish school leaving examination certificate as a ticket to further higher and technical education.