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Analiza porównawcza standardów kompetencji lub istniejących rozwiązań w zawodach opiekunka dziecięca i opiekun medyczny w Polsce, Finlandii i Hiszpanii

Krzysztof SYMELA, Katarzyna SKOCZYLAS

A comparative research analysis of professional competence standards or existing solutions in the professions Practical Nursing Child Care Workers and Health Care Assistants

Słowa kluczowe: analiza porównawcza, kompetencje zawodowe, transfer osiągnięć w kształceniu i szkoleniu zawodowym (ECVET).

Key words: comparative research analysis, professional competence, European Credit Systems for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

Abstract: Context of the Implementation of the FINECVET model to the formal and nonformal education TRANS-FINECVET project refers to the development of the European Credit Systems for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) in the European Union and the European and National Qualifications Framework, including characteristics describing the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competence). The project’s key aim shall be constituted by the transfer of European good practice at practical implementation of the ECVET approach, as well as development and improvement of the quality of professional qualifications in occupations important for the European labour market, i.e. Child Care Worker and Health Care Assistant, obtained in the formal and nonformal education. To this end, in the initial phase of the project the action O1 was taken – Comparative analysis of the competence standards of Child Care Worker and Health Care Assistant, the result of which is report on the research conducted in three partner countries: Poland, Finland and Spain. The article presents the abstract of this report.