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Strategie uczenia się języka angielskiego w liceach ogólnokształcących

Magdalena KOLBER

Language learning strategies in the secondary English classroom

Słowa kluczowe: dydaktyka, nauka języków obcych, strategie uczenia się, rozwijanie umiejętności uczenia się, aktywne uczenie.

Key words: didactics, foreign language learning, learning strategies, developing an ability to learn, active learning.

Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to present the research findings concerning the use of language learning strategies. The reference point in the theoretical and methodological literature is the taxonomy of language learning strategies by R. Oxford. In the study the R. Oxford Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (version 7.0) was applied to 371 students completing the first, second and third stage of secondary education. The results indicate that the average use of all learning strategies is located at the middle level. When divided into groups, metacognitive strategies are at the highest level, while emotional strategies are at the lowest one. The conclusions of the study may be of interest of theorists of education, teachers, school counselors, head teachers, experts preparing curricula and textbooks authors.