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Kształcenie permanentne nauczycieli w czasie ich aktywności zawodowej


Continuing education of teachers at the time of their professional activity

Słowa kluczowe: nauczyciel, aktywność zawodowa, awans zawodowy.

Key words: teacher, professional activity, professional promotion.

Abstract: Against the background of the Delors`s report, individual degrees of a teacher`s professional promotion were characterized. Based on the conducted research, the author clarified the conclusions and postulates. The teacher is able to earn a diploma of the highest grade within 10 years of a post-graduate professional activity and can finish further educa-tion once becoming a certified teacher. At the same time, the teacher is expected to work till the age of 60 or 65. This means that the teacher does not need to continue a professional development for the next 20-25 years of his professional activity. The author believes that in order to encourage teachers to improve, the process of gaining professional promotion de-grees should be extended over time. For example, the teacher should proceed to the next higher level no earlier than after 5-7 years from the last obtained degree. This can contribute to the systematic improvement of the teacher's competence.