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Kompetencje społeczne dyrektora szkoły na przykładzie wybranych radomskich placówek oświatowych

Beata NAWROT, Radosław LIS

Interpersonal skills of a school’s headmaster. A case of selected educational institutions in Radom

Słowa kluczowe: dyrektor szkoły, kompetencje społeczne, nauczyciel, placówka oświatowa.

Key words: headmaster, social competences, teacher, educational institution.

Abstract: The main aim of this article is to identify and describe the most important interpersonal skills of a school’s headmaster. Furthermore, the article determines which of the skills strongly influence the atmosphere and working conditions at school, on the basis of information gained from a group of teachers from different types of schools, who shared their own experiences and reflections concerning the interpersonal skills of their supervisors. The respondents clearly point out that the lack of interpersonal skills among headmasters can lead to a number of harmful consequences, primarily lower effectiveness of teaching and worse school atmosphere, which profoundly affects student learning and achievements.