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Realizacja kształcenia ustawicznego – kryterium wyboru zatrudnienia przez absolwentów pielęgniarstwa


Undertaking continuing education – a a workplace choice criterion of nursing graduates

Słowa kluczowe: praca, kariera zawodowa, absolwenci pielęgniarstwa.

Key words: work, professional career, nursing graduates.

Abstract: Work is an essential activity of an adult human being and has a huge impact on one`s existence in the surrounding world, system of values, mental efficiency and is an essence of life. One of the most important life decisions to be made by young people is associated with the choice of an occupation and a workplace. The aim of the research was to define the main choice criterion of the first workplace for graduates of nursing studies. The results showed that when taking into account work possibilities, the respondents took into consideration: workeducation integration, professional development, good work relations and friendly environment.