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Praktyki zawodowe szansą na dobrą pracę i przyszłą karierę zawodową

Wiesław TOMCZYK, Sławomir KURPASKA

Apprenticeships as a chance for a good job and future career

Słowa kluczowe: praktyki zawodowe, staże, kompetencje, kariera zawodowa.

Key words: apprenticeships, internships, competences, career.

Abstract: Apprenticeships offered to students and graduates are an integral element of the educational process of the modern educational system. The training program that takes into account the school’s profile, knowledge, skills and competences gained throughout the education by the graduates in connection with the conditions and needs of the modern labour market constitutes a major challenge for the apprenticeships` organizers. The article presents the more important aspects of the apprenticeships for the students of the Production Engineering and Power Engineering Faculty of the Agricultural University of Krakow and performs analysis of their implementation in the period 2014–2016.