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Tworzenie standardów kwalifikacji/kompetencji zawodowych oraz zbiorów informacji o zawodach – wkład Profesora Stefana M. Kwiatkowskiego

Krzysztof SYMELA

Creating the standards of professional qualifications/competences and the sets of information about occupations – contribution of Professor Stefan M. Kwiatkowski

Słowa kluczowe: standard kwalifikacji/kompetencji, zawód, informacja o zawodzie, rynek pracy.

Key words: professional qualifications/competences standards, information about the occupation, labour marke.

Abstract: The article presents the models describing information about occupations functioning on the labour market in Poland, the models which have been used over the last quarter of the century and the contribution to this process made by Professor Stefan M. Kwiatkowski. In the history of standardization of qualifications and professional competences in Poland, we can identify seven stages from exploration and exploratory research to creating comprehensive sets of information about occupations useful for the labour market, employers as well as learning in different contexts (formal, non-formal and informal). The boom, in the last two decades, of the standardization of qualifications and professional competences, and currently the sets of information about occupations, we owe mainly to the Ministry of Labour (currently the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy), which initiated system/national projects focused on describing occupations needed for a dynamically changing labour market. It should be emphasized that the methodological basis for creating the sets of information about occupations were based on the professionalization - a key research area of work pedagogy and they are complementary to the Integrated Qualification System which has been implemented in Poland since 2015.