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W polskiej pedagogice pracy


In Polish work pedagogy

Słowa kluczowe: pedagogika pracy, rozwój zawodowy i naukowy, biografia, analiza dokumentów, środowisko naukowe.

Key words: work pedagogy, professional and scientific development, biography, document analysis, scientific environment.

Abstract: In Poland work pedagogy was recognized as a scientific subdiscipline in 1972. Its development since the nineties has been led by Professor St. M. Kwiatkowski, a chairman of the Work Pedagogy Team of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The concept, theories and methodologies were elaborated and the impact on the educational practice of the Professor through specific works in which the author of the article, celebrating his anniversary, co-participated. Therefore, it is a subjective, contributory and jubilee analysis of the results of scientific work at Institute of Educational Research, Academy of Special Pedagogy, Higher Pedagogical School of Polish Teachers Association, Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute and Work Pedagogy Team.