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Powiązanie informacji o zawodach z kwalifikacjami w Zintegrowanym Systemie Kwalifikacji jako pożądana komplementarność systemowa


Relationship between the Information about professions and the qualifications included in the Integrated Qualifications System as a desired systemic complementarity

Słowa kluczowe: informacja o zawodach, kwalifikacje, Zintegrowany System Kwalifikacji.

Key words: information about professions,qualifications, Integrated Qualifications System.

Abstract: Systemic tools, such as the standards of professional competences and qualifications, the description of which enables them to be assigned the level of the national qualifications framework, function in the national qualifications systems as collections of information on competences important from the point of view of the labour market and educational system.It is important to recognise the potential of the relationship between the standards of professional competences and qualifications, described in accordance to the Act on ZSK, given the fact that they coexist under the Polish Integrated Qualification System.