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Kształcenie ustawiczne osób niebędących obywatelami polskimi według prawa polskiego

Magdalena PYTER

Continuing education of non-Polish citizens according to Polish law

Słowa kluczowe: prawo oświatowe, kształcenie ustawiczne, cudzoziemcy.

Key words: educational law, continuing education, foreigners.

Abstract: The issue of lifelong learning occupies a prominent position in the education system. Adults, for various reasons, undertake education, which is part of the lifelong learning trend. Foreigners are a special group. They undertake lifelong learning in the Republic of Poland for many reasons. These are professional, family, racial or social reasons. Global migration makes it necessary to undertake education in other countries. The provisions of Polish law met this demand. In legal acts of different rank, the problem is resolved. This article is aimed at analyzing legal provisions relating to lifelong learning of persons who are not Polish citizens.