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Kreatywność i odporność studentów jako czynniki gotowości do uczenia się i radzenia sobie z trudnościami


Students’ creativity and resilience as readiness factors for learning and dealing with problems

Słowa kluczowe: kreatywność, odporność, skuteczność, student.

Key words: creativity, resilience, effectiveness, student.

Abstract: The article attempts to answer the main question: What is the level of students’ creative attitude (creativity) and resilience, and do these individual qualities correlate with each other. The following individual students’ features are the basis of the analysis: creative attitude understood as creativity and its constituents such as nonconformity and heuristic behaviour, as well as reproductive attitude and its components such as conformism and algorithmic behav-iour, and their relation to resilience. Both features are currently very much sought in young people entering the labour market, as they are expected to behave in an unconventional way, and be equipped with innovation skills, creative critique, entrepreneurship and effectiveness, and resilience to obstacles and difficulties. The questionnaire of the Creative Behaviour Questionnaire (KANH) by Popek (2004) for measuring creative or reproductive attitude, and The Resilience Assessment Scale – SPP-25 by N. Ogińska-Bulik and Z. Juczyński (2008) were used to collect empirical data. The research among students (n = 269) has shown that there are fewer students with a creative attitude then with a reproductive one, and only one in every three respondents reveals a strong nonconformi-ty and readiness for heuristic behaviour. At the same time, fewer than one in three respondents presents a high level of psychological resilience to difficult situations, particularly to those demanding coping with and tolerance of negative emotions and optimism in attitudes towards life and readiness to work in difficult situations. There is a positive relation between creativity and resilience. The results of the research are the basis for formulating practical guidelines for education.