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Wartościowa praca w opinii różnych pokoleń


A valuable work in the opinion of different generations

Słowa kluczowe: praca zawodowa, trudności w dostępie do pracy, wartość pracy, wyznaczniki wartościowej pracy.

Key words: professional work, difficulties in access to work, the value of work, determinants of a valuable work.

Abstract: Over the years there has been a huge transformation taking place in the area of employment. The changes it involved may affect the work attitude of people of all ages and their perception of what is meant by a valuable work. The study in four diverse in terms of age and seniority groups shows that people from the groups characterize a valuable work in a rather similar way. The basic features of a valuable work are primarily a job that provides pleasure and satisfaction, enables the development and provides material benefits. These three features were most frequently mentioned by respondents, although were differently rated in each group. It can be said that the age slightly differentiates an approach to work. Closer analysis shows, however, that younger people see what is meant by a valuable professional work in a more idealistic way.