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Warto studiować, by mieć dobrą pracę


It is worth to study to get a good job

Słowa kluczowe: praca, problemy bezrobocia młodych, oczekiwania pracodawców, emigracja zarobkowa.

Key words: work, young people unemloyment problems, employers’ expectations, emigration for work.

Abstract: Nowadays the new generation pays more attention to their work being in compliance with their aspirations and furthering their professional development. Contemporary labour market requires knowledge and high professional skills from the graduates. The university degree is not enough to find a good job due to the fact that companies are choosing form a large group of simmiliar candidates. This paper shows the results of the poll research regarding the complexity of the labour market in Poland, purposefulness of internships and the problems related to emigration of young people for work.