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Uczyć się, aby przeżyć: strategie radzenia sobie z ubóstwem


Learning in order to survive: strategies for dealing with poverty

Słowa kluczowe: ubóstwo, wykluczenie społeczne, bariery edukacyjne, edukacja dorosłych, uczenie się.

Key words: poverty, social exclusion, barriers to education, adult education, learning.

Abstract: The article attempts to investigate the consequences of poverty in the societies of the prosperous West from the angle of strategies developed by socially disadvantaged people struggling with financial problems, social inclusion and psychosocial issues. It is based on the analysis of the literature on the subject and the secondary analysis of empirical studies. Apart from stress management strategies, the article shows several issues connected with participation of people from the lowest social classes in institutional forms of adult education which are alternatives for the most often dysfunctional actions taken by individuals on their own. The article also indicates the necessity of political and institutional involvement in the extra-formal education including adjustment of trainings to the needs of people of the lowest qualifications and competences.