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Modelowe ujęcie potrzeb zdrowotnych realizowanych przez aktywność fizyczną w całożyciowej edukacji zdrowotnej


The model presentation of health needs realized through physical activities during the lifelong health education

Słowa kluczowe: potrzeby zdrowotne, aktywność fizyczna, edukacja zdrowotna.

Key words: health needs, physical activities, health education.

Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to present an author`s model of health needs realized through physical activities. The method of the analysis of selected diagnostic-epidemiological reports, current scientific results of English-language and Polish experts, studying the relationships between physical activities and health was used. The full contents of the paper will be able to serve in the process of permanent health education, promotion, preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation actions. The author`s presentation of physical activities as a health necessity embraces 11 kinds of health needs, as: tourist activity needs, active disability needs, anti-involution needs, functional needs, medical needs, prevention needs, pro-family needs, rehabilitation needs, physical recreation needs, revitalization needs and mobility needs. Convincing everyone about physical activities as health needs is a task for the lifelong health education. This process delivers motivation and knowledge, enables to understand and make proper choices, shapes good habits.