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Zawodoznawczy wymiar projektu INFODORADCA+

Stefan M. Kwiatkowski

Occupational dimension of the INFODORADCA+ project

Słowa kluczowe: zawodoznawstwo, zadanie zawodowe, kompetencje, kwalifikacje.

Key words: professionalization, occupational tasks, competences, qualifications.

Abstract: Knowledge about occupations – professionalization, is a basic element of work pedagogy. It allows for professional observation of the process of professional tasks implementation, and then for assigning to each distinguished task a set of relevant competences: knowledge, skills and social competences. If we define an occupation as a set of professional tasks, then – from the analysis of individual occupational tasks – we can proceed to the description of the entire occupation. This approach was the starting point to develop the methodology applied in the INFODORADCA+ project, and in particular to develop a model for information about occupations. It includes: identification data of the occupation, a description of the occupation along with assigned professional tasks, lists of competences necessary for their proper performance, as well as references to the situation of the occupation on the labor market and opportunities for professional development and European classification of occupations. The experience gained during the implementation of the INFODORADCA+ project and the results of this project significantly enriched knowledge about occupations and the possibilities of its practical application