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Metoda badań przydatności technik rzeczywistości wirtualnej do aktywizacji zawodowej osób 50+


A method for research on the usefulness of virtual reality techniques for professional activation of people 50+

Słowa kluczowe: funkcjonowanie poznawcze osób starszych, szkolenie, środki dydaktyczne, rze-czywistość wirtualna.

Key words: cognitive functioning of older people, training, teaching aids, virtual reality.

Abstract: Research on the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR) to assist in the professional activation of the elderly by providing training should be done in those areas where VR may be remarkably effective. Recent results show that virtual reality techniques should be the most useful in the field of cognitive functioning. The training environment as close as possible to the real one, especially virtual immersion, virtual reality environment, should increase the ability of older people to remember new information, This is so due to problems with cognitive functions increasing with age, therefore older people cope better with more realistic and less abstract situations.