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Praca przyszłości w marzeniach i debacie polityczno-społecznej


A work of the future in dreams and social-political debate

Słowa kluczowe: praca, przyszłość pracy, era digitalizacji, dialog społeczny.

Key words: work, future of work, digital age, social dialogue.

Abstract: The article attempts to explore the problem of humanization of work on the basis of analysis of literature and empirical research. It refers to the political and social debate on the topic of the future of work initiated in Germany in 2016 by political circles. Its aim is reaching a consensus among different social partners (i.e. employees, companies, trade unions and branch associations, educational institutions, administration, political bodies) which would contribute to the humanization of the world of work in the age of digitalization. The social dialogue on the future of work is regarded on one hand as a chance to find solutions which meet the expectations of employees (e.g. adjusting the work to the needs and possibilities of people in different phases of life), on the other hand it is supposed to contribute to Germany keeping the top position in global economic ratings.