Badania oczekiwanych przez pracodawców kompetencji zawodowych mechanika pojazdów samochodowych w Polsce, Niemczech i Portugalii
Research on employers` expectations towards professional competences for the occupation ΄A car mechanic΄ in Poland, Germany and Portugal
Słowa kluczowe: analizy porównawcze, badanie potrzeb, kompetencje zawodowe, mechanik pojazdów samochodowych, stanowiska pracy, przedsiębiorcy.
Key words: comparative analyses, needs analysis, professional competences, car me-chanic, work posts, entrepreneurs.
Abstract: The need for forecasting the demand for professional qualifications, creation of a common system of vocational qualifications and their recognition in the EU countries was the reason for conducting the research Erasmus + project: Recognition of vocational qualifications for the purpose of transfer on the European job market. Diagnostic studies among employers in three European countries and a comparative study of expected professional competences for a car mechanic occupation in Poland, Germany and Portugal made it possible to identify the similarities and differences in the expectations of the labour market.