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Edukacja zorientowana na potrzeby człowieka funkcjonującego na współczesnym rynku pracy

Czesław PLEWKA

Education oriented at needs of a man functioning on the modern labour market

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja, rynek pracy, potrzeby człowieka.

Key words: education, labour market, human needs.

Abstract: This article attempts to show certain aspects of a man functioning in modern civilization, in which, next to a variety of factors characterizing this civilization, an important and yet still unsolved problem is the imbalance between supply and demand for labour. There are many reasons of this situation and therefore no possibility to refer to them in such a limited volume of only one article. Hence it was decided to bring only a few of these reasons. Particular attention was paid to the need for cooperation of all entities, the solution or even alleviation of the signaled problem depends on.