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Polityka społeczna Unii Europejskiej wobec młodzieży wykluczonej z systemu edukacji i rynku pracy

Elżbieta SUBOCZ

European Union’s social policy towards young people not in employment, education or training

Słowa kluczowe: NEET, młodzi ludzie niepracujący, nieuczący się i nieszkolący się, polityka społeczna Unii Europejskiej wobec młodzieży z grona NEET, gwarancje dla młodzieży.

Key words: NEET, young people not in employment, education or training, European Union’s social policy towards NEET youth, Youth Guarantee.

Abstract: The category of young people who are not in employment, education, or training, called the “NEET” generation, has become increasingly more frequently the main subject of interest of the social policy of the European Union and the particular Member States. This results from the large and alarming scale of this phenomenon. According to Eurostat data, in 2015 as many as 12% of young Europeans (i.e. 6.6 million persons) aged 15–24 were qualified as NEET. The aim of this article is to characterise the NEET phenomenon. Attention was fo-cused on the initiatives undertaken both at the level of the European Union and in the particular Member States to support and reintegrate NEET youth.