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Rekonstrukcja wybranych czynników kształtujących przebieg drogi edukacyjnej kobiet, które odniosły sukces zawodowy w świetle teorii F. Schütze


Reconstruction of selected factors that shape the educational way of women who have professional success in the light of F. Schütze’s theory

Słowa kluczowe: przebieg drogi edukacyjnej i zawodowej kobiet, wywiad narracyjny, proces kształcenia.

Key words: the course of the educational and professional career of women, narrative inter-view, the process of education.

Abstract: The aim of this study is to characterize and show the importance of some factors that could potentially shape the educational and professional paths of women who are successful in their career (consequently, they may have implications for women's decisions about continuing vocational education in adulthood). These factors were reconstructed in the course of analytical work on the basis of F. Schűtze's narrative interview method.