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Model modułowego szkolenia specjalistów komercjalizacji innowacyjnych technologii

Krzysztof Symela, Ireneusz Woźniak, Michał Nowakowski

Słowa kluczowe: kształcenie i szkolenie modułowe, klasyfikacja zawodów i specjalności, standard kompetencji zawodowych, zadanie zawodowe, kompetencje zawodowe, profil kompetencji kluczowych, modułowy program szkolenia zawodowego, kurs e-learning.

Key words: modular vocational education and training, classification of professions and specializations, standard of professional competences, job task, professional competence, key competences profile, modular occupational training programme, e-learning course.

Abstract: The point of reference for the design of the multi-level model for the training of a specialist was a description of the requirements in the form of a standard of professional competences. The key elements of the model are: a modular training programme, educational packages, an e-learning course supporting the training, a model of validation and certification of trainees. The model of training specialists in commercialization of innovative technologies, verified with the participation of methodological and substantive experts, is an open educational provision for professional training of employees and any other groups participating in the development of intelligent specializations. The Europe 2020 strategy emphasizes, among others, the role of knowledge and innovation as important factors of EU economic development and the competitiveness of enterprises. One of the initiatives meeting the objectives of this strategy is the Innovation Union. It aims at making use of R&D and innovation in order to solve the biggest problems of enterprises and close the gap between the world of science and market by turning inventions into products. This paper presents a model for the training of specialists (EQF/PQF level 6) targeted at supporting companies in the processes of their technological development. The research and analysis show that employers, instances of the labour market and business environment as well as training companies report the need for the introduction of a new profession – Specialist in Commercialization of Innovative Technologies.