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Konkursy wiedzy z BHP w samokształceniu pracowników zakładów górniczych

Łukasz Jaszczyk, Wojciech Wołczyk, Radosław Lesisz, Magdalena Rozmus, Dariusz Michalak

Słowa kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy, górnictwo, konkursy.

Key words: health and safety at work, safety, mining, competitions

Abstract: The article presents a good practice concerning the competitions on knowledge of health and safety in mines. The use of IT tools and forms of communications were described in a detailed way by an example of a selected mining plant. The article also shows the impact of the solutions on the number of competitions participants. Based on the survey, authors identified the reasons for participation in the competition and the expectations related to the extension of functionality of used IT solutions. Actions described in the article are an example of good practice in the field of cooperation between the industry and research institutes.