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Edukacja seniorów w perspektywie optymalnego starzenia się


Senior education in the context of optimal ageing

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja seniorów, aktywność edukacyjna, optymalne starzenie się.

Key words: senior education, educational activity, optimal ageing.

Abstract: The main idea of the article is to emphasize the necessity of considering the issues of old age and optimal ageing. The analyses presented are theoretical and empirical in nature. The first part of the article covers the importance of senior citizens being active in terms of getting adapted to the old age and successful ageing as well as educational activity of senior citizens. It also shows selected results of the survey performed among senior citizens in the kujawsko-pomorskie province on adaptability to old age, especially undertaking educational and occupational activity. The analyses presented are only a part of research performed by the author in 2010–2016 using a survey questionnaire on “Ageing people's occupational and educational activity”.