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Aktywność ruchowa słuchaczy Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Gliwicach

Olimpia GOGOLIN, Eugeniusz SZYMIK

Physical activity of the listeners of the Third Age University in Gliwice

Słowa kluczowe: Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku w Gliwicach, aktywność ruchowa osób starszych, badania sondażowe.

Key words: Third Age University in Gliwice, physical activity of the elderly, surveys.

Abstract: The theoretical part of the article introduces the problem of continuing education of adults, briefly presents the senior policy in Poland, acquaints the reader with the functions, objectives and tasks of the third age universities. The final part discusses the activities of the Third Age University in Gliwice. The practical part presents the results of the survey, focused mainly on issues related to the physical activity of seniors, conducted among listeners of the Third Age University.